
damned if i know.

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I'm putting this here out of a feeling of obligation...
my awful website
redundancy alert!

got aim? let me annoy you instantaneously
Sunday, October 05, 2003

So that's it. I've got everything planned now. I leave Thursday night to go up to Boston to see Beth. I'm very happy. And I've decided I want to make pumpkin pie while I'm up there. It'll be fun. I go down to New York to see family on the nineteenth, hopefully spending more time with Debi and Rob than with mom. I'm leaving Thursday the twenty fourth to go back to DC so that I can be back in time for our TMAG trip the following day. No more work until that weekend - the twenty fifth. And I'll get paid for all of the time I don't work. It's amazing to me.

I'll be working of course through the holiday season, but my last day should be January twelth. So I'll get seven more paychecks between now and then, and I should be able to pay off my credit card with that, problem. I just need to find someone to take over for me on the lease for January. Well, for February, really.

First day of classes at school will be the twenty second of January. I'll probably go up the Saturday before. I need to work out what will happen with dorm arrangements. I really hope I can get a single in substance free.

I'm very excited to go back. If only because I'm so sick of all this manual labour (which of course was the very idea of this whole plan). I still have no idea what I want to do with myself once I've graduated, though. I'm considering just temping for a bit when I get out. Maybe that'll lead me somewhere interesting.

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