damned if i know.
Nothing is funnier than leaning your hand on the enter key.
Cast of CharactersDebi: SisterRob: Raechel, Lisa: Current Roommates Yasha: Cat of Wonder and Mischief Jenna, Beth, Meliheh, Brendan: Friends Away From Home Christine, Andrea, Marie, Jocelyn, Somer, Rob, etc: Local DC Contingent Mordion: Crowbar Roomie Suz, Cara, Liz, Gina, Essena, Sarah, Julia, Rich, Amanda, Carolyn, etc: Friends From Fredonia Stenny, Beth, Ian, Smurple, etc: Brunchers Abbie, Zyrya, Owen, Dia, Cropherb, Anson, etc: Lawn Dwellers Drusilla, DML, Mia D, Sol-D Lore, etc: spinnwebe folks also including: random: My Hero Rabi, Dave, Amanda, malver, etc: Other Internet Folks Archives I'm putting this here out of a feeling of obligation... my awful website redundancy alert! got aim? let me annoy you instantaneously |
Saturday, September 13, 2003
You know. It's happened again. I feel shallow for being happy. Yeah? Hell with that. I've gone through enough sadness and I know what it's like and I see no reason to repent my current contentment. Ha, mind, caught you. I know I'm still the same person I always was. I honestly believe, though, that I've gotten more stable over time. This used to be the place I'd constantly rant and stick my insecurities. Yes, I still have them. But I don't really care now. I'm not depressed. There's nothing seriously wrong with me. I may have a few more hang ups than some other folks, but the trade off is that I'm a rational, thinking, intelligent being who's emotionally aware and highly capable. I still don't like what I look like, but I'm rather fond of my mind and soul. So there.