damned if i know.
Nothing is funnier than leaning your hand on the enter key.
Cast of CharactersDebi: SisterRob: Raechel, Lisa: Current Roommates Yasha: Cat of Wonder and Mischief Jenna, Beth, Meliheh, Brendan: Friends Away From Home Christine, Andrea, Marie, Jocelyn, Somer, Rob, etc: Local DC Contingent Mordion: Crowbar Roomie Suz, Cara, Liz, Gina, Essena, Sarah, Julia, Rich, Amanda, Carolyn, etc: Friends From Fredonia Stenny, Beth, Ian, Smurple, etc: Brunchers Abbie, Zyrya, Owen, Dia, Cropherb, Anson, etc: Lawn Dwellers Drusilla, DML, Mia D, Sol-D Lore, etc: spinnwebe folks also including: random: My Hero Rabi, Dave, Amanda, malver, etc: Other Internet Folks Archives I'm putting this here out of a feeling of obligation... my awful website redundancy alert! got aim? let me annoy you instantaneously |
Friday, March 14, 2003
I'm such a preposterously large dork sometimes. I'm listening to a bit of Prokofiev, and I was just noticing missed notes in the brass. Too much time on analysis. So tomorrow's Kyreemarie's birthday party two weeks after the birthday. Yay social quasi-social life and even on a Saturday! Amazing. I've successfully put of doing the laundry for almost a week now, as well as just about anything else of use. Looks like tomorrow's going to default into errand running day, too. I keep telling myself I'm going to make a list. I've been telling myself that for two days now. I ought to write down "make a list" somewhere so I'll be just that much closer. After initial panics, Raechel and I seem to be moving in favour of actually staying here. Whatever paltry sum I could save by moving elsewhere would be esentially eaten up by cost of relocation anyhow, I think. Makes life easier, I guess. And coincidentally, the bathtub drains again! I also am in possession of a bottle and a half of generic draino and two appropriately bent hangers in case this comes into question again. Now all I need is to have more lightbulbs. Something which I had been planning to do yesterday, but failed spectacularly to do right at the last minute. Go me! Hey.... why don't I stick the to-do list right here? hrm.
I've been sitting on a fifty dollar gift certificate forever, and I finally figured out I ought to use it on a food processor. I just made hummus last night, and I think the big difference between mine and the ones I like is the mashedness and fluffyness which comes of being well processed and having air whipped into it. Plus making dumpling filling would be twenty seven times easier. And for oats when I'm making cookies and whatnot.... Last time I was at Beth's I actually took oats and crushed them with my fingers. Was sad. Very proud of myself today for practicing. Very shamed by the fact that I suck so much more than I used to. Lots of sucking. Voooortex. *Sigh* Keep going, I guess.